Hello and welcome to my review of the Millionaire’s Apprentice by Michael Cheney. Today, I’m going tobe able to take you through the members area, ofmillionaires Apprentice, so you can see exactlywhat you get when you purchase this program sowe’re inside here at the moment in the programand. This is the introduction video here. Wheremichael will give you a quick overview ofhow to go through the program and what steps togo through there and then you will be able toclick on the button and go straight into theprogram here and simply all you do is followeach step inside of the program. So first ofall we have here is get paid passive incomeso.
This shows you how you can get passive incomepretty much within 24-48 hours, so that is likereally exciting, then how to go. Get approvalfor Michael’s products, we, you are going to beable to access a hundred percent commissions. Onall of his products, so nobody else can get thisunless. They are a full-fledged affiliate, so you’regoing to be able to go on here, shortcut that andget 100 percent commissions on all of those productsand. This is also going to show you howto, make big commissions right off the bat sothere’s, an instructional video here on how todo that then there is an element inside of herethat.
You will need to follow to get some of thepieces of your business built now. Most of thisis actually a done-for-you program, but howeveryou all need to go and get your own domain. Thereare templates inside of the program that you’llbe able to utilize. That will mean that you won’thave to like build anything from scratch. Becauseall of that work is essentially been done for youbut.
You do need to set up parts of the business sothat you actually own it and one key Point partof. It is the website and the domain you’d alsoneed to get an autoresponder. Now you can get freeautoresponders and there’s information in here onhow, you can get started there. There’S also a leadmagnet in here, but there’s templates in thereso you’ll be able to use the templates that havebeen proven to convert and that’s inside of therehow to create your lead pages. In here and thenyou’re all set to go, you then promote it, andthere’s lots of ways inside of here and how topromote it and there’s also a traffic sectionso.
What I also wanted to show you inside of theprogram, because that’s just the beginning of theprogram, then we have another section here: whichis called get traffic now that is this sectionhere, where you can, if you want to go superfast, you can tap into uh buying traffic. Soyou. Can access buyer traffic, which is Michael’slist uh his list of dedicated followers, uh thatum, that you’ll be able to promote to so that isInsider here and there is more information in hereand how you can get paid traffic so next up wehave all of the bonuses here. So I wanted to takeyou through the 12 bonuses, the 12 bonuses that youget here so the first one that you get is the lazyidiot get rich switch. So this is basically a 14minute video where Michael takes you through ona whiteboard the whole strategy and how this allworks so he’s going to be able to clear any uh anydoubts that you have in your mind.
Anything whereyou’re really not sure. That’S what this video isgoing to do here and it’s really going to clearthat up and then you switch. We then have a 30minute video here where Michael will be takingyou through how to switch your mindset, how toeradicate overwhelm stop endless learningget, instant Clarity and focus and stop theshiny object syndrome. Next up, we have usingthe dump for you promos. So this will this isa quick lesson to tell you how to use themhow to download them, and you have access toall of these promo tools here and you can prettymuch get started with these straight away.
So notonly, do you get access to all of Michael’sproducts? We do have some other products byother Affiliates out in the marketplace. Thatyou can have access to and promote as welland. We can give you. We give you all of ourcampaigns that we used in those in those promosnext up.
We have instant Authority status and easysales with the glowing testimonial from MichaelCheney, so we’re giving you a glowing Michael’sgiving you a glowing, testimonial you’ll, be able toaccess this here and use that in your marketing. We also have $ 100K a month checklist inside of herethat you’ll, be able to download you can followthis checklist. This is great. This is a checklistthat. You can simply check off each step, as you goalong use this in conjunction with the programand.
That will keep you voluntarily on track. That’Swhat, it’s designed to do reprogram for successso. This is reprogramming yourself, so that you areready for success. Again. We have some whiteboardstrategies and stuff here, just taking you throughexactly how it works, uh and how to go about doingthis and how you can reprogram yourself sothat.
You can get success with the money needsthe Apprentice program, the technophobes cheat sheethere’s, another cheat sheet for anybody who is nottech savvy. This is a chick. A cheat sheet. Thatyou can just follow again, follow through allthe steps there that have been laid out bonuseight of 12 bonuses. We have the partner pleaserit’s a letter from Michael’s wife to your wifeor, your partner, your better half so you’llbe able to share.
You can download that letter. Youcan read it yourself and you can share it as wellso. We have bonus number nine Freedom. Fast, Trackthis is a guide. Another guide that you’re goingto be able to use that will help you to FastTrack yourself to Freedom, it’s how to jugglethe workload of being an entrepreneur and bonus 10 is email Mastery.
So this is a full boot campyou’re going to go through the secret emailformula you’re, going to see a campaign insideof a campaign that generated forty one thousanddollars and we’ve got some extra, resourcesetc, etc. Underneath that so essentially you’llbe able to use this. If you really have a listor, you’re growing a list and you wantto get into email marketing, this isincredible bonus bonus, number 10 that’sreally going to give you some insight thereeleven now this is not for the faint-heartedthis is for someone who is maybe like a moreadvanced marketer. This is a guide to launchingyour own product, so that’s inside of there aswell when you’re ready to go to that step, soobviously. That can be a little bit furtherdown the track, but that is there and then lastbut, not least, we have 24-hour traffic and listsso.
This is how to access 24-hour traffic. Unlessthere are a lot of steps that you need to followin order to access this. But, however, this is abonus. That’S inside of there, and once you submitthat to the team, I will be able to book you intothe promotional calendar and send you trafficand. That is it the other thing that Iwanted to show you here from the programis.
Now, if I just go back to the program pagehere, is it anytime? If you get stuck you wouldjust, go down to the right hand, side corner hereand, you can submit your name, email and pop inhere. What you need help with in any attachmentsthat can help the support team. The support teamare pretty much on 24/7, so you will find thatyour support ticket will be answered in a pretty quickfashion. There are parts of the team that just workMonday to Friday, and essentially they are workingEastern Standard time, but we do have a dedicatedteam in the Philippines that will also be ableto help you too now a little bit about myself, Iwork just so that we’re all above board.
Here andyou understand, I just wanted to do a review videoso that you can see exactly what you get when youare inside of Millionaire’s Apprentice. I do work atCheney Marketing as the Operations Manager I haveworked with Michael Cheney for well over two years. Andabsolutely love working with the clients andwith, the team that we have at Cheney, Marketingsupporting people to transform their lives, allover the world to build income from workingfrom home, create their own businesses. Andso yeah I’m incredibly grateful to have workedfor the last few weeks years, alongside Michaeland with the great team at Cheney Marketingso. We do also have a leaderboard inside ofthe members area.
Here you can see it. Herethis is the leaderboard. This is the leaderboardthat we have running at the moment and thestudents who have been taken. Action and havegot. Some results there.
So that’s it from me. That’Sa Millionaire’s Apprentice Review. Just wanted you to see what you getnow you can go down below here. I will pop a linkto the sales page, where you’ll be able to getsome more information on Millionaire’s Apprentice, and then you can make an educated decisionfrom there thanks. So much wish you all the bestand I’ll see you on my next review, bye for now.