3 Tips On How To Avoid Gray Hair

3 Tips On How To Avoid Gray Hair

If you want to know when you will turn gray, one thing you can do is look at your parents. How early in your life you’ll gray will depend quite…

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Yoga And The Breath

Yoga And The Breath

Your yoga practice and the way you breathe are intertwined. You won’t fully experience the benefits of yoga without first learning how to breathe properly. Different types of yoga practice…

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How Many Bowel Movements Should You Have Each Day?

How Many Bowel Movements Should You Have Each Day?

Most doctors don’t ask you about your regularity. They may think it is not important to have a bowel movement every day. In fact, some doctors think its ok when…

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What is a Body Massage

What is a Body Massage

The holistic application of physical touch to affect the systems of the body-the muscular, skeletal, elimination, digestive, circulatory, respiratory, endocrine, lymphatic, emotional, mental and nervous systems is called Body massage….

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A Pilates Mind and Body Workout

Pilates mind is the state of mind you get into during a Pilates workout. Think of it in much the same way as you think of the state of mind…

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