Common Job Options for Personal Trainers

Common Job Options for Personal Trainers

Contrary to common beliefs, personal trainers are usually not just confined into the premises of gyms and health and fitness clubs. These days, such professionals are also getting into other venues and establishments to offer their professional services. Many prospective clients also find comfort to know that such trainers could now be found in leisure, business, recreational, and home settings.

Personal trainers are professionals who are very much qualified to assist and guide people into having good health and more active lifestyle. Aside from having earned four-year college degrees in kinesiology, exercise science, or other related programs, most personal trainers today are also certified by major physical training organizations in a specific state or area. Thus, they surely are keeping high standards and expertise to provide clients only the best and most reliable services.

As mentioned, other than working in gyms, fitness centers, and health clubs, modern personal trainers could take other job options at the following venues:

Spas and resorts. Spas and resorts are undoubtedly among the most popular recreational centers to date. Because of the intense competition, such establishments are usually offering more value added services. Included in those added offerings are personal training services. In general, most of the currently sought-after all-inclusive resorts are hiring trainers to serve as fitness instructors that would teach specific exercise classes, which are offered as additional persuaders to make visitors keep on coming. Many personal trainers prefer working in spas and resorts for their own comfort, convenience, and enjoyment.

Cruise ships. Even luxury cruises are now offering physical training as value-added or bonus offerings to guests. Personal trainers who prefer to work in cruise ships should agree to go on with the vessel regardless of destinations. Many luxury travelers on cruises want to get personal training during idle days, when they have nothing to do but to relax and enjoy life. Most cruise ships today offer personal training services for competitive reasons.

Corporate Fitness. After global companies have started focusing on corporate social responsibility, there is another rising trend these days. Many businesses are now aiming to make their staff maintain good health and fitness despite long hours of sitting in front of computers or being confined in office premises. The corporate sector is undoubtedly becoming one of the fastest-growing areas where fitness and health emerge. Wellness packages offered by companies include personal training sessions, wherein personal trainers would be assigned to each willing employee. Occasionally, trainers also meet the entire staff to teach them how to do indoor and simple physical exercises to induce active body movements.

In-home training. Personal trainers could also opt to accept in-home training sessions. Through this, they would come over to a client’s house and facilitate the training program there. Usually, this kind of service is in a premium compared to the conventional type. However, clients prefer it more for security and convenience reasons. In-home training works for personal trainers whose clients are within their vicinity. Otherwise, this could not be a good option.

Work-for-yourself. Personal trainers could always function as his own independent contractor if he does not want to be affiliated by any health and fitness club, which could impose on him hefty commissions. In many instances, independent personal trainers opt to establish their own fitness studios eventually.

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About the Author: Well Being