Reverse the Aging Process – ANABOLIC/CATABOLIC INDEX

Reverse the Aging Process – ANABOLIC/CATABOLIC INDEX

Don’t experience the catastrophe of catabolism! Have you ever been shocked by learning the real age of someone who looked much younger…or older…than their chronological age? Science has now shown…

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The Basics Of The Low Carb Diet And How To Succeed With It

The Basics Of The Low Carb Diet And How To Succeed With It

Dieting is one of the favorite past times of many people today. But what then is the reason for such activity? Well, there are only two main reasons for dieting,…

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11 – Juicearian

11 – Juicearian

Many people have heard of juice fasts as a means of detoxifying the body. Followers of a raw foods regimen also include juices as part of their nutrition. Nearly anything…

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Shilajit : The most powerful anti – aging substance and Rejuvenator ever know

Shilajit : The most powerful anti – aging substance and Rejuvenator ever know

Shilajit is the most powerful anti – aging substance and Rejuvenator ever known to mankind. Feel the Power of Growing Young. The ancient medical literature attributes many health benefits to…

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Pranayama The Silence Of Breathing

Pranayama The Silence Of Breathing

Pranayama, also known as yogic breathing is the method of silencing the breath. Prana has been defined as the air which flows through the body. Pranayama is made up of…

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