How Many Types of Meditation Techniques for Different Environments?

How Many Types of Meditation Techniques for Different Environments?

Meditation is basically a process of concentration for stabilizing the mind. For this purpose you must concentrate regarding the environment in which you are performing this task. These due to…

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Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential Part 1

Meditate to Unlock Your Hidden Potential Part 1

Meditation is often misunderstood by those who do not practice it. Very often, I hear meditation referred to as, “altered states of consciousness.” That sounds more like intoxicants, rather than…

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How You can Change Your Mind Set and life Through Meditation?

How You can Change Your Mind Set and life Through Meditation?

Medication is basically Vedic Hinduism origin which describes the person’s state of powerful concentration on an object of alertness and thought. In this procedure person tries to change his or…

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Creating Your Own Private Meditation Room

Creating Your Own Private Meditation Room

Meditation rooms are not rooms per se. Most of the time, they are just secluded nooks in someones home where one can be in total isolation to be able to…

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What is Walking Meditation and is it Good for Health?

What is Walking Meditation and is it Good for Health?

People think that meditation is always performing in close room where no one can disturb them. They think that they are sitting alone in that room and just concentrate and…

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